Leo Jansen


"There is no distance so great that it can’t be covered. There is no claim file so complicated that it can’t be settled."

Leo Jansen, material damage expert, product liability and recall

Microbiological omnivore

Leo has been affiliated with Context from 2021. That certainly doesn't mean that he is new at the job.. As a committed adjuster, he has been working in the insurance industry for almost 30 years. With his chemical-microbiological background, Leo has a unique expertise. He also has a wealth of experience in handling recalls and in preventing imminent recalls. In every phase of a recall, Leo advises the parties involved. Leo has a variety of specialisations, including food, coatings, plastics, adhesives, packaging, printing, pharmaceuticals and concrete. In his role as an expert, he makes an inventory of the facts and circumstances related to the incident and, if necessary, determines the loss.

Career in a nutshell

Leo followed a chemical-microbiological training. After his studies he worked as a microbiological employee in the R&D department at Akzo Consumer Products and as head of analytical method development at Sara Lee/Douwe Egberts. He also worked in the sales department of chemical analysis instruments. In 1993 Leo continued his career as a material damage adjuster at GAB Robins Takkenberg (later Cunningham Lindsey Nederland BV and then Sedgwick. BV).

Nice to know

Leo is a fanatic sportsman. Besides that he likes to get on his racing bike, he is a marathon runner and ran the Rotterdam Marathon no fewer than 31 times. His most special running experience was finishing the Comrades; a run of 89 kilometres in South Africa.

“Distance is just in your head,” says Leo. Besides the fact that he once became Dutch champion in running, he also knew how to make the right moves to become Dutch champion in chess. In addition to sports, Leo enjoys birdwatching in his spare time.


​​In addition to his mother tongue (Dutch), Leo also speaks English.